Sparmax Compressors
Lightweight, Quiet, Powerful

Compressors for Beginners

ModelItem no.Airflow
in l
in bar / PSI
in l
in dB (A)
DC-251600706 l at 10 PSI2,1 / 30-45
DC-25XT1610016 l at 10 PSI2,1 / 30-45
AC-66hx ARISM16101413 - 153,4 / 50-54
ARISM MINI161015 / -6 / -7 / -812 - 143,1 / 45-54
AC-2716100513 - 163,1 / 45-54
TC-501N16005014 - 184,1 / 60-48
TC-200016100523 - 324,1 / 60-54
AC-501X16100214 - 184,1 / 60-50
TC-501ast16101014 - 184,1 / 600,6548
TC-610H16001023 - 284,1 / 602,553
TC-610Hn16100923 - 284,1 / 602,553

Compressors for Professionals

AC-50016100623 - 324,1 / 602,554
TC-2000H161011404,1 / 60-56
TC-620X16100323 - 324,1 / 602,554
MB-62016100423 - 324,1 / 602,552

It is recommended that the compressor doesn't run continuously for more than 30 minutes. After 30 minutes of continuous operation, use the On/Off Switch to turn off the unit. Allow the unit to cool for 10 to 15 minutes before turning the compressor on again.